What are IMPCAS and what is the benefit to Industry?
Most disasters in the Supply Chain by Road, Rail or Maritime could be avoided.
The International Marine Packed Cargo Audit Schemes (IMPCAS) are designed to improve safety, security, compliance, and the quality of operations within the global marine packed cargo supply chain.
The 5 International Marine Packed Cargo Audit Schemes are:
- Freight Forwarders
- Container Freight Stations – Warehousing
- Container Terminals
- Tank Container Operations
- Ships Agents
Benefits to your Organisation from a CDI Audit:
- IMPCAS was formed by the Chemical Industry for the Chemical Industry in order to constantly improve the safety, quality and performance of all aspects of chemical transportation.
- Opportunity to be a Preferred Supplier.
- Identify areas of risk and reduce potential accidents/incidents which may affect property, people and the environment.
- Reduce business overheads, enhance reputation, and reduce costs to your clients.
- Opportunity to reduce your insurance premiums.
Who should attend the launch?
Capt. Terry Frith, Technical Manager, Logistics from The CDI will be the Keynote Speaker to support RPMASA for the June launch in Africa. He will inform and excite the Supply Chain Logistics Industry about this opportunity to be audited under IMPCAS. IMPCAS will provide you with the tools and means to evaluate and promote your services to the global chemical industry, as well as governments and local authorities.
Come and join us to learn how the CDI can benefit all Logistics Service Providers:
- Chemical Manufacturers
- Freight Forwarders
- Tank Container Companies
- Shipping Agents
- Logistics Service Providers
- Container Ports
- Container Shipping Companies
- Container Freight Stations
Come and join us to learn how IMPCAS can add value and help improve safety and security, enhance environmental protection and promote Responsible Care within your business.
How did this launch come about?
Last year, the CDI’s General Manager (Captain Howard Snaith), was the Keynote Speaker at the RPMASA “Raising the bar in Supply Chain and Safety Compliance” event at the Durban Country Club in May 2016, resulting in an MoU and Capt. Terry Frith presenting the first IMPCAS Auditor Training Course in Africa. The first African-based IMPCAS Accredited Auditors are now available to audit local marine Logistics Service Providers to the Chemical and Maritime Sector.
What is the CDI?
The CDI – the Chemical Distribution Institute – was formed in 1994 by a concerned group of chemical manufacturers and shippers. Its aim was to provide standardised systems (meeting the current ISO 9001:2015 Standard and International Responsible Care Principles) for the Risk Assessment of marine logistics service providers. It was initially established for chemical and LPG tankers, and then expanded to include bulk liquid terminals.
The CDI later introduced its International Marine Packed Cargo Audit Scheme (IMPCAS) to provide audit reports on each category of logistics service provider, and to assist users to decide which service providers to use for their business. Read more: www.cdi.org.uk
Get More Information
RPMASA: www.rpmasa.org.za
Contact Judy: info@rpmasa.org.za or 032 947 1145 / 081 264 6678
The CDI: www.cdi.org.uk
Contact Captain Howard Snaith: howard.snaith@cdim.org or +44(0) 1327 350 086